For Legal entities

For legal entities our company provides the following services

  • Registration of companies/company start-up assistance in the EU, the US, and Asia
    Our team of experts helps you gather the necessary documents to open and run a business in most countries of the world.
  • Opening of bank accounts
    We provide consulting services for opening a bank account abroad for you and your company.
  • Licenses acquisition including gambling, brokerage, financial, and investment licenses
    We will help you correctly register special types of licenses, for which different countries have different rules for obtaining them.
  • Opening of foundations and trusts
    Our lawyers will gather for you the necessary documents for the registration of foundations and trusts, as well as tell you about the taxation system.
  • Registration and legal support for crypto companies and start-ups
    Our team has experienced crypto-experts and lawyers who will help you with the establishment and maintenance of your crypto-projects and advise you on the laws in this field.
  • Consultation & support services
    In addition to these services, our company has a wide profile of advice and can help in many issues related to the conduct of modern business and its legal protection.
Fill out the request form to get more information about our services and pricing:

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